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Free Estimate

Pickup and Deliver Available 90 Day repair guarantee Faust

Phone: 484-557-4816 Address: 10 Pennington Ave. Morton Pa. 19070

Serving Delaware, Chester, Philadelphia, and Montgomery County

Commercial Tune Up

Zero-Turn Tune-up

Change oil
Check cooling system
Check battery and charging output
Replace spark plug
Service filters, as needed
Check fuel system, perform basic carburetor service
Clean Carburetor If Needed
Check lube and adjust controls as needed
Check condition of belt[s}
Check condition of spindles
Sharpen blade[s], clean under deck and check deck level, if desired
Check tire pressure Test run an make other necessary adjustments
Minor repairs included: additional repairs subject to added labor charge
service may cost more depending on service required

Parts and Fluids Extra Charges

If You Would Like The Oil Changed In The Hydraulic Pumps It Would Cost An Additional Charge

484 557 4816